
Saturday, April 7, 2012

Easter Eve Brain Soup Mash-Up, Zombie Style

Til Death Do us Part is for Pussies - Photography and photo design by Ives Hovanessian
On the eve of the celebration of a hugely famous and even more hugely misunderstood person rising from the dead and freaking out many, I think it's only fitting that The Cosmicomicon pays tribute to zombies and zombism everywhere, high and low.

The first item of interest is this cool service called, the free zombie generator.  On this site, you can get a little preview of just how you might look if stricken by a zombie plague, or lovingly nibbled upon by the living dead.  Some people "cry ugly."  Now you can see if you die ugly ("die" being a relative concept).

The creation that I came up with was a valiant effort, considering the software and the fact that I have elbows for fingers, but it did serve to inspire my wife Ives to try her hand at doing the same on her own.  Her results were typically brilliant, totally fucking rad, and offered to you all up above.  From Addams Family to Zombie Couple Painting The Town Red, this Horror stuff runs thick in our blood, binding us together and throwing us in the back of a cramped trunk.  Trunks can be cozy when you're with your soul mate.

The second story involves the militaristic and the absurd, as truth rapidly tries - and usually succeeds - in out-strangeing fiction.  Dear readers, I present to you the Russian Zombie Gun.

Okay, so that description is just a bit misleading, as according to the actual article, this...

... won't necessarily turn you into this...

But hey, when "Zombie" makes it into international, geopolitical news headlines, you know that something once relegated to the dingy shadows of horrorhead geekery has truly gone mainstream, and is now used to garner eyeballs with the same effectiveness as new relating to insipid talent shows, aristocratic scandal, and "shame for fame" proto-starlet trainwrecks.

Finally, and inevitably - the force of unnatural nature that is The Walking Dead.  Never, to my knowledge, has one television show done more for Horror in general and zombies in particular than The Walking Dead.  Friends who wouldn't be caught dead (and/or decaying) near any zombie product are not just occasionally watching the show, but now rabid, committed fans.  I believe that I've mentioned this before, but Ives, who always thought zombie films were silly, redundant, not-scary, and totally boring, is now obsessed with The Walking Dead, as the writers and creatives involved in the series have truly humanized not only the group of humans battling for survival amid a nightmarish holocaust, but the zombies themselves, who are victims as well.

Chomp your rotting teeth down right here for a list of links that tease the ridiculously anticipated Season 3, which starts shooting next month in May.

So, Happy Easter, meat sacks.  May your body someday gently fall to dust, rather than to the bottom of a fetid, reanimated intestinal tract, bite by bite, piece by piece...

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