
Thursday, May 5, 2011

Dead But Dreaming 2 News: Get a Little Slice of Pugmire via MRP Pre-Order and LeZ Contest

From the ebony tower of Miskatonic River Press:  
In an effort to cross-promote our growing fiction line, all who pre-order Dead But Dreaming 2 will get a full-color trifold bookmark signed by none other than the Queen of Eldritch Horror, Wilum Hopfrong Pugmire (one of the authors in DBD2), promoting his upcoming book from MRP: The Strange Dark One, Tales of Nyarlathotep.
(also announced through Google Groups [alt.horror.cthulhu])

On the heels of this proclamation, founder Mike Davis and the good folks at his Lovecraft eZine have just announced a contest to win a free copy of Dead But Dreaming 2, as well as the above-mentioned signed bookmark from the acclaimed Lovecraftian W.H. Pugmire, creator of legend-haunted Sesqua Valley 
Time for another drawing!  Most of you are probably familiar with the first Dead But Dreaming book, called by many the finest Lovecraft anthology to see print in a long time.  Personally, I agree — the stories are first-rate.  If you are a Lovecraftian, Dead But Dreaming is a must own.
Anyway, Kevin Ross is releasing Dead But Dreaming 2, and I’ve just purchased a copy for one lucky winner!  And not only does the winner of this drawing get a free copy of the book, you'll also receive a color bookmark signed by the awesome W.H. Pugmire!
You heard the lads.  Head over to the Miskatonic River Press website and pre-order DBD2, then mosey on by the LeZ to "Like" the hell out of it, and sign up for the contest.  

Even if you already have a copy of Dead But Dreaming 2 reserved and on the way, you can give the extra one as an incredibly thoughtful and tasteful gift, or use it as a projectile to knock over the display of Snooki "books" (you think I'm gonna link that ridiculous waste of dead wood, you're sadly mistaken) at your local lit purveyor.  You'll be a hero to many.


  1. Thanks very much for the link, Ted. :)

  2. It's my pleasure, Mike.

    The Cosmicomicon loves it some Lovecraft eZine.

  3. I seem to detect more and more Lovecraftian goings-on on the Internet, and this is extremely welcome. What a magnificent tool we have for spreading the word. I've been using my YouTube channel to discuss the fiction of HPL and Derleth's posthumous "collaborations," and there seems to be an audience eager for such Lovecraftian activity on the web. Let us infiltrate ye mundane mortal world!

  4. Agreed, Wilum. The Squares need more Weird!

    I and many others truly, truly enjoy what you're doing on your YouTube channel. We can cheer you on and learn and dream with you, almost in real time. It's an amazing tool, this aptly named "World Wide Web."

    Keep doing what you're doing, and we'll keep reading and watching, with one eye on the sky.
