Tuesday, October 19, 2010

The Whisperer In Darkness Hits the Big Screen

Thanks to the tireless and painstaking efforts of Glendale, California's own H.P. Lovecraft Historical Society (HPLHS - creators of the Mythoscope masterpiece "The Call of Cthulhu," screened recently at the H.P. Lovecraft Film Festival - Los Angeles), one of my favorite HPL stories is coming to the silvery screen.

 At long last, the hollow voiced whispers in the darkness and the scuttling of clawed feed on worn floorboards will be realized on celluloid.

First preview clip here

Folks, this is independent filmmaking at its most pure, as the HPLHS isn't making these surprisingly lavish and ambitious productions for the cash, as until Del Toro/Cameron prove otherwise, there ISN'T any money in adapting the "unfilmable" writing of Lovecraft to the screen.  These guys do it for the pure joy of bringing to life fantastical stories that they find extraordinary, including "The Whisperer In Darkness."  And they do it amazingly well and with a unique panache thanks to their patented "Mythoscope" style, paying special attention to mood, casting (including use of dozens of extras, a rarity in indie films), and their spectacular props that allow the viewer to almost lose oneself in a different time and a slightly different place.

Second preview link here

Ware the barking of dogs, and watch the HPLHS page for ordering information once that bad jack comes out on DVD.  I just hope it screens at next year's HPLFF - LA.


1 comment:

  1. Uh, Steve? What bit of content in my admittedly nascent blogspace would lead you to believe that I'd want to follow your blog?

    Perhaps YOU should follow my blog for a few days, and then see if your question still seems rational or in any way appropriate.
